Firmware error with iwn on 9-stable

Zoran Kolic zkolic at
Wed Jan 2 14:34:29 UTC 2013

> 1. ran PC-BSD 9.0 without problems
> 2. upgraded to 9.1-BETA1 or 2, had the firmware errors after 
> transmitting some MB.
> 3. Installed Linux Mint out of curiosity, the wireless just worked
> 4. re-installed PC-BSD 9.1-RC1 or something and the firware errors were 
> history (so far :) )
> So, maybe it might be worth a try to boot some Linux Live CD.

May I cite you?
Seriously, I never used mint or pc-bsd, but if they suit you,
it is fine. I found it better if I avoid environment at all.
Image for any 9.1 will give you live system. Boot plain freebsd
and take a look. For my laptop, I had to do a lot of kms jumps,
but none for intel 1000 wifi. To conclude: get memstick image
and live boot it.


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