[freebsd] xl0: watchdog timeout

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Wed Apr 21 02:59:02 PDT 2004

In message: <1588696859.20040421091522 at mail.ru>
            DYZ at mail.ru writes:
:  Why the system assign the same IRQ 11 to 2 different devices? I
: think that's the reason of timeouts. 


:  Is there any way to handle this matter and to assign resources manually.

because its a great big happy pci world.  These resources are wired
that way, so that's what you get.  Especially since they are on the
same card bus bridge, and there's only one interrupt pin to use.

My guess is that the memory ranges assigned to the card bus bridge
aren't quite right, which is causing the heartache.


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