JDK 11 update

Ed Maste emaste at freebsd.org
Thu Mar 14 23:30:48 UTC 2019

On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 17:49, Greg Lewis <glewis at eyesbeyond.com> wrote:
> Thanks for looking into [adoptopenjdk.net].
> I'd suggest that to move forward someone would need to take lead on the
> following:
> * Talk to AdoptOpenJDK folk to get more details of what the need in terms
>   of machines/VMs.  What sort of resources do their machines have
>   (CPU/memory/disk)?  What sort of access does the CI/build infrastructure
>   need?  Is this a case of supplying machines/VMs or would it make more
>   sense to fund them in their existing build farm?

I had a preliminary discussion with AdoptOpenJDK folks some time ago,
but nothing came of it as it was too early (without the port being
ready). I'll find out what resources are needed, and the FreeBSD
Foundation should be able to make machines or VM time available.

> My biggest question would be what value does this add versus the existing
> FreeBSD package infrastructure?  That will also feature binary packages
> for all supported FreeBSD versions and costs neither resources nor time
> to set up other maintaining the FreeBSD port (which has to be done anyway).

This woudn't replace OpenJDK in the ports tree / package collection
but augment it. The benefit I see from having FreeBSD in AdoptOpenJDK
is having FreeBSD "just work" the same way as other operating systems
for folks already familiar with that environment and with tooling
built on AdoptOpenJDK, and to improve discoverability.

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