JDK 11 update

Mark Raynsford list+org.freebsd.java at io7m.com
Thu Mar 14 23:02:25 UTC 2019

On 2019-03-14T14:46:48 -0700
Greg Lewis <glewis at eyesbeyond.com> wrote:
> * Talk to AdoptOpenJDK folk to get more details of what the need in terms
>   of machines/VMs.  What sort of resources do their machines have
>   (CPU/memory/disk)?  What sort of access does the CI/build infrastructure
>   need?  Is this a case of supplying machines/VMs or would it make more
>   sense to fund them in their existing build farm?

I've pointed them at this thread. Hopefully I'll get more information

> * Based on that come up with a rough costing and put it to the FreeBSD
>   Foundation.  You might even want to talk to them earlier and see if
>   it was something they were even interested in at all.  They have
>   sponsored Java work in the past, but that doesn't mean it fits into
>   their current priorities.
> FWIW, changes to the existing openjdk8 and openjdk11 code bases don't
> appear to be all that frequent.  So dedicated machines would likely just
> sit idle most of the time.  Using EC2 on demand instances, assuming
> we have a suitable FreeBSD AMI, and storing the releases on S3 would
> make sense to me, and is likely fairly inexpensive.

Right. I'd guess costs would be pretty minimal.

> My biggest question would be what value does this add versus the existing
> FreeBSD package infrastructure?  That will also feature binary packages
> for all supported FreeBSD versions and costs neither resources nor time
> to set up other maintaining the FreeBSD port (which has to be done anyway).

The main advantage for me personally is that I'd be able to fetch
runtime images supporting FreeBSD for use in jlink. My ultimate
intention is to put together a library/command-line tool/Maven plugin
that can automatically fetch JVM runtime images for a range of
architectures and operating systems and produce a jlinked application
image for every specified platform. "Build once, run on a selection of
platforms", sort of thing. The first part of this work is already done:


As you can probably imagine... None of the supported providers supplies
FreeBSD JVM runtime images. I could, with some hacking, grab the
FreeBSD binary packages and then unpack and reorganize the contents...
But it'd be a lot nicer if FreeBSD was a platform that worked just like
all of the others supported by AdoptOpenJDK and friends.

More people building and running the test suite can't hurt.

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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