does anyone use these any more?

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at
Thu Sep 13 13:11:15 UTC 2018


Context: I'm writing a book on jails on FreeBSD.

There's a few options that I can't figure out why anyone would use
them. Does anyone use any of these any more, or are they leftovers
from the primordial jail era?

If you do use any of these on FreeBSD 11+, would you mind saying why
and how?

allow.dying - it's not dying very long, why make changes?
persist - why keep it around?

exec.jail_user, exec.system_user -lots of permissions problems

exec.system_jail_user - use a system uid inside the jail, why?


Michael W. Lucas
author of: Absolute OpenBSD, SSH Mastery, git commit murder,
Immortal Clay, PGP & GPG, Absolute FreeBSD, etc, etc, etc...

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