timerfd in FreeBSD jail?

Martin "eto" Misuth eto.freebsd at ethome.sk
Tue Sep 6 14:15:23 UTC 2016

On Tue, 6 Sep 2016 13:19:13 +0000
Grzegorz Junka <list1 at gjunka.com> wrote:
> OK, I was hoping that this is similar to creating ping sockets in jail, 
> that it needs to be enabled on the host for jail to actually be able to 
> execute ping. 
Well unfortunately that is not the case, as you see.

> How would I know that this is not implemented in the linux 
> emulation layer rather than disabled on the host?
I would be interested in resource documenting emulated Linux syscall table
(on wiki perhaps) myself, maybe it is buried somewhere in the docs, but I
haven't found it yet.

Supposedly SmartOS has similar emulator which is much more recent, I wonder 
if FreeBSD masters could reuse some stuff from them. Seems Like emu is
not really top priority (as in supporting most recent stuffs) for FreeBSD
project right now.

> And yes, I have the linux environment enabled and set up in the jail and 
> it mostly works fine. But I didn't put it under any stress yet. I will 
> see if the dart-sdk package can be somehow compiled without the timer_fd 
> options.

Third option, if you have time and willforce, is to ditch jail altogether, and
to try running your CentOS install in bhyve hypervisor. That way you will lose
some cycles in emulation, but as full virtual computer is provided, resulting
CentOS install should work same as in any other VM.

On the bright side you can then unload Linux emulation kernel modules from host.


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