-u option for jail

Alain Wolf wolf at k18.ch
Fri Jun 8 08:35:01 UTC 2007

Albert Shih wrote, On 06/04/2007 02:51 PM:
> Hi all
> Maybe my question is stupid, but is there any possibility to use 
> 	-u user (user != root)
> in the /etc/rc.conf for launch a jail with a specific user ? For example,
> can we have for any jail a different user ? 
> Regards.
Hi Al
Maybe my answer is stupid, but since the idea of a jail should mostly
look like an independent system, there is a root user and any user you
wish *inside* the jail.

If you would like to have users on the hosting system with the ability
to start and stop their own jails from outisde their jails, I would look
into something like sudo or a web-cgi with a strong authentication and
authorization (maybe webmin does that?).


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