How can I find the bandwidth hogs?

Ben Woods woodsb02 at
Wed Apr 20 21:58:14 UTC 2016

On 20 April 2016 at 12:21, Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg at>
> Rather, I want ipfw... or some other tool... to give me, at the
> end of the test time period... a nice LIST of how many bytes came in
> from each and every separate source IP over the given time period.
> (There could be hundreds or thousands of IPs sending me packets
> with a source port of 80 or 443 over the given time period, so
> that list could end up being really long.)
> Can anybody give me a hint of how to do this?

Easiest solution I can think of: Use net-mgmt/darkstat.

Slightly more complicated solution, but with potentially more power for
filtering the data: Netflow/NfDump/NfSen

Good luck!


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