===== Port/Traffic Redirection =====

Leander S. leander.schaefer at gmx.net
Fri Dec 19 07:07:21 PST 2008


I'm trying to get a captive portal- / transparent proxy- like attitude 
on my IPFW traffic. I actually want to divert all http traffic to the 
webserver on the same IPFW diverting machine.
I tried rules like that but I sadly never got it working.

SERVERSIDE: my Apache webserver is listening on port 8080 AND also 80.
CLIENTSIDE: I'm guessing my clients http requests on port 80 as well as 
8080 and 443


        ### HTTP Traffic forwarding to Apache:8080
        ${fwcmd} add 21200 allow tcp from any to ${LAN_IP} 80,443,8080 
in via ${LAN_if}
        ${fwcmd} add 21300 allow tcp from any to ${LAN_IP} 80,443,8080 
out via ${LAN_if}
        ${fwcmd} add 21400 fwd ${LAN_IP},8080 tcp from ${LAN} to me 
80,443,8080 setup in via ${LAN_if} keep-state

        ### Package Detour
        ${fwcmd} add 21500 allow all from any to any out via ${LAN_if}


^^ Btw. my IPFW denies packages by default.
^^ I'm not quite sure if those make sense at all?!



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