FWD under bridged enviroment...

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br
Tue Aug 17 14:07:19 PDT 2004

Right; I have checked it is really not fwding (ok should have done it 
before posting)...

              case O_FORWARD_IP:
                        if (args->eh)   /* not valid on layer2 pkts */
                      if (!q || dyn_dir == MATCH_FORWARD)
                               args->next_hop =
                                   &((ipfw_insn_sa *)cmd)->sa;
                       retval = 0;
                       goto done;

I considered there was a chance it would already work, since the fwd 
rule counts packets.

Kelly, I remember you said once that you had modified the code in a 
different way Luigi had done and posted here (Rizzo's patch for 
revision); I considere patching ip_fw2.c and ip_input.c to get it 
working, where can I find your patches to read it?

I want to see the two ways it was done :}

Btw, (maybe Rizzo can comment) what's the reason it has not been 
commited when the patch was posted? :) It's a feature that is usually 
discussed (probably, maybe I should check the lists history before 
saying so, but I remember it got on topic a number times before...).

Thanks :)

 >   I believe I've mentioned having code to implement fwd for IPv4 packets
 > filtered from ether_input (net.link.ether.ipfw=1).  Unfortunately, the
 > patches are against 4.10.  If someone else doesn't implement it before
 > then, I plan on porting the functionality to 6-current (and then backport
 > to 5-stable) after 5.3 is released.
 >   Kelly


Patrick Tracanelli

FreeBSD Brasil LTDA.
The FreeBSD pt_BR Documentation Project
patrick @ freebsdbrasil.com.br
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"

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