new issue on zx6000, spontaneous reboot after sysinstall commit

Marcel Moolenaar xcllnt at
Fri Jul 30 00:46:58 UTC 2010

On Jul 27, 2010, at 1:12 PM, B. Estrade wrote:
> However, once I go through and commit the install, after the
> partitions and labels are created, the machine reboots without
> warning.
> I am wondering - 
> a) is that enough info to garner a guess as to the problem? 

Not even close. The whole problem with the spontaneous reboot
is that there's abolutely no trace of what was going on. My
best guess so far is that it's a hardware problem, probably
triggered by a software "bug".

> b) how do I capture useful information regarding this event?

If the machine generates a MCA error record, then that's what
we need.

Marcel Moolenaar
xcllnt at

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