FreeBSD/ia64 5.1-BETA Hardware Notes Page Preview
Jim Brown
jpb at
Fri May 16 08:29:28 PDT 2003
* Bruce A. Mah <bmah at> [2003-05-14 14:38]:
> If memory serves me right, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> > On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:26:11AM -0700, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> > > PS. We could *insert* some MD text into those sections so that they
> > > are not empty, but I can't make the section headings go away.
> >
> > Why not.
> It's a really bizarro, stupid SGML problem of my own making. Due to
> the way I implemented the MD hardware/release notes stuff, if we turn
> off the section headings, they'll still occupy sequence number space.
> This would lead to gaps in the section numbering (e.g. "1.1" followed
> by "1.5").
> If I had to do this over again, I would have implemented all of the
> conditional text with cpp(1) rather than try to be a DocBook and
> stylesheet purist. :-(
It *is* difficult to work through the pages as they exist now,
trying to make sure you have the proper arch="foo" tags. Ugh.
There has been talk on -STABLE of a hardware database project
along the lines of the Linux hardware database. If that gets
going, we ought to be able to leverage that.
> > If all else fails we can sum up the device we think have
> > a chance to work. Just collect all the devices we know about and
> > filter out those devices that don't have PCI interfaces. Given
> > that we don't have much experience in the field, describing what
> > we expect on top of what we know may be informative...
> That's a thought...I think that the sparc64 hardware notes had some
> informed conjecture along these lines too (maybe it still does).
I seem to be in the middle here- I don't have any IA-64
hardware at all and must depend on the list for knowledge of
working hardware.
I'll work up a sample table I mentioned in my other email,
but I still need to know what to put into it.
> Thanks,
> Bruce.
Best Regards,
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