Repository UUID's in doc and ports SVN Mirror Seed Files

John Marshall john.marshall at
Thu Jul 19 12:34:01 UTC 2012

Thank you to whoever went to the trouble of providing updated Subversion
mirror seed files on the FTP servers (/pub/FreeBSD/development/subversion/).
The particular files to which I refer are:


Please be aware that the seed mirror repositories for doc and ports have
UUID's which differ from their respective master repositories.  The
mirror seed for base is fine.

For example:
$ tar -xf svnmirror-ports-r300897.tar.xz
$ ls
$ pwd
$ svn info file:///work/svn/ports
Path: ports
URL: file:///work/svn/ports
Repository Root: file:///work/svn/ports
Repository UUID: aed309b6-a8cd-e111-996c-001c23d10e55
Revision: 300897

$ svnsync info file:///work/svn/ports
Source URL: svn://
Source Repository UUID: 35697150-7ecd-e111-bb59-0022644237b5
Last Merged Revision: 300897

Folks who have used these seed files to setup mirror repositories can
easily set the mirror's UUID to match the source repository with:

$ svnadmin setuuid /local/mirror/repository <same-uuid-as-source>

John Marshall
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