Porting haskell based software to FreeBSD

Ashish SHUKLA ashish at FreeBSD.org
Thu Dec 28 21:06:08 UTC 2017

On 28/12/17 9:11 PM, Palle Girgensohn wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a porter mainly working with PostgreSQL, and I stumbled upon a piece of software that I'd like to incorporate into the FreeBSD ports tree. It's called PostgREST [1] and it is built using Haskell. Hence I have had to introduce myself to the work of lang/gch/bsd.hackage.mk and the USE_CABAL-knob.
> A few questions that you can perhaps help me with:
> 0. First, is somebody already working on porting postgrest? :)

Only speaking for myself, I'm not working on it.

> 1. The postgrest project suggest using devel/stack to get all ports [2]. I assume this is a shortcut that cannot really be used with a port. But perhaps the stack tool can be used to get a list of dependant ports? Or is the postgrest.cabal file in the root enough to simply find all dependencies?

I don't think it matters how you find out all dependencies (or which
mechanism is kept up-to-date by developers), as long as list of the
dependencies is accurate. Ideally, it would be nice to keep .cabal file,
but it all depends on developers.

I've not touched hs-* ports in a while, although we used hsporter[1] to
generate port. I'm not sure how much accurate it's, but you can use it
to bootstrap your work.

> 2. There will be at least a dozen new ports that postgrest depends and that are yet not in the tree. Most hs-* ports in the ports tree have MAINTAINER=haskell at FreeBSD.org. Is this customary for the Haskell ports? I have no problem setting girgen or haskell there. Normally it would be me, so please just advice and I'll set whichever is best there.

AFAIK, there hasn't been a strict requirement, but if maintainer is set
to haskell@, then haskell@ can commit updates to port, without waiting
for your approval, which is better, when committing GHC updates, which
results in updates of other hs-* ports.

[1] https://github.com/freebsd-haskell/hsporter

Ashish SHUKLA      | GPG: F682CDCC39DC0FEAE11620B6C746CFA9E74FA4B0
freebsd.org!ashish | https://people.freebsd.org/~ashish/

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