Porting haskell based software to FreeBSD

Palle Girgensohn girgen at FreeBSD.org
Thu Dec 28 20:11:39 UTC 2017


I'm a porter mainly working with PostgreSQL, and I stumbled upon a piece of software that I'd like to incorporate into the FreeBSD ports tree. It's called PostgREST [1] and it is built using Haskell. Hence I have had to introduce myself to the work of lang/gch/bsd.hackage.mk and the USE_CABAL-knob.

A few questions that you can perhaps help me with:

0. First, is somebody already working on porting postgrest? :)

1. The postgrest project suggest using devel/stack to get all ports [2]. I assume this is a shortcut that cannot really be used with a port. But perhaps the stack tool can be used to get a list of dependant ports? Or is the postgrest.cabal file in the root enough to simply find all dependencies?

2. There will be at least a dozen new ports that postgrest depends and that are yet not in the tree. Most hs-* ports in the ports tree have MAINTAINER=haskell at FreeBSD.org. Is this customary for the Haskell ports? I have no problem setting girgen or haskell there. Normally it would be me, so please just advice and I'll set whichever is best there.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/begriffs/postgrest
[2] https://postgrest.com/en/v4.3/install.html#build-from-source

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