Sendmail conf files

Allan Jude allanjude at
Thu Apr 6 00:30:18 UTC 2017

On 2017-03-30 15:19, Matt Churchyard via freebsd-hackers wrote:
> Hello,
> Not sure if this is the right list for this..
> For me the most awkward part of updating a system using freebsd-update is when it comes to merging files. The most common files that pop up seem to be /etc/mail/ & /etc/mail/, because these are included in the base distribution and almost certainly change if you actually use Sendmail.
> In most cases this sort of issue has been solved by providing "default files" such as /etc/defaults/rc.conf, and letting the user override this with files they create themselves. Obviously there is a concerted effort to make sure users don't have to edit base files where possible so that they don't get these sort of issues.
> For Sendmail, would it not make sense to remove these 2 .cf files from base and update the sendmail rc.d script to run 'make install' in /etc/mail if they don't exist? It may also be nice if the freebsd.* files were stored somewhere else such as /usr/share/sendmail, as these just causes confusion about which files are actually used if you're new to it.
> Personally I'm on the side that would rather have Sendmail removed entirely and replaced with a simple smtp submission daemon/lda but I think that discussion has already been had.
> -
> Matt Churchyard
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I have a background project going on to replace as many config files as
I can with new ones written in a common syntax called UCL (Universal
Config Language, what pkg uses).

The idea will be to have a defaults file, then override it with your own
file, and/or a directory of fragments (/etc/foo.d/*.conf).

Sendmail is not on the list to get fixed, but most other tools are.

Allan Jude

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