relaunchd: a portable clone of launchd

Julian Elischer julian at
Tue Nov 17 08:42:46 UTC 2015

On 11/16/15 8:55 AM, Mark Heily wrote:
> I've written a clone of the launchd framework found in Mac OS X [1].
> It's called "relaunchd" and I would like to some help improving it and
> getting it added to the FreeBSD ports tree [2].
It would appear we have an embarrassment of riches.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but we have:
* nosh
* actual launchd with jkh's project
* now relaunchd
and of course some people like the flexibility and debugability of 
rc.d and are improving these.

Can someone more connected with these projects please sumarise what's
going on and maybe we can find a set of people with egos flexible enough
that we can maybe figure out the stengths of each of these and maybe 
make something truely great?

> Here's the source code:
> One of the coolest things I've been able to do with it is to use
> socket activation to launch an unmodified version of Apache inside of
> a jail, pass it a socket descriptor bound to port 80 from the primary
> network interface outside of the jail, and have it "just work" and
> start serving web content using the pre-existing socket descriptor.
> This eliminates the need to setup a cumbersome NAT and port forwarding
> mechanism for each jail [3].
> This is a completely separate line of development from the work that
> the NextBSD folks are doing to port the published Apple source code
> for launchd and all of it's dependencies.
> I'd be happy to answer questions about relaunchd, and welcome
> contributions from anyone who wants to help make launchd on FreeBSD a
> reality.
> Regards,
>   - Mark
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] Example:
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