14 year old programmer would like to contribute code to FreeBSD

Peter Jeremy peter at rulingia.com
Tue Nov 10 06:57:42 UTC 2015

Hi Chris,

On 2015-Nov-09 11:59:04 -0500, Christopher Sacchi <christophersacchi at gmail.com> wrote:
>My name is Chris, (in case you cannot already tell) and at a CodeDay event
>I realized I'm better at working in a team than by myself or when I lead it
>ATM, and because I love FreeBSD and Linux as well as programming (in the
>subject of the email) I would love to help whenever I can.

You don't mention what you've already done with/on FreeBSD so it's
difficult to know what level to pitch things to you at.  As well as
looking through existing bug reports, you could also try running
FreeBSD-current and seeing what issues you run into.  This is especially
true if you have access to unusual hardware (like non-x86 stuff).

You could also see if there are any user groups near you.

Peter Jeremy
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