vm+ipxe+pxeboot fail

Mark Saad nonesuch at longcount.org
Wed Apr 30 13:23:25 UTC 2014

> On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:10 AM, amine tay <amine.tay91 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Lately I had some problems, trying to get FreeBSD to PXE boot. (Actually
> I'm using a VMware virtual machine.) First I'm using iPXE 1.0.0 and then
> load and launch the FreeBSD pxeboot
> <http://man.freebsd.org/pxeboot>loader. But I'm getting this :
> http://forums.freebsd.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45901
> When using isc-dhcp as DHCP server I'm getting the error but when using
> dnsmasq everything works fine.
> The problem seems that the client when booting is sending 2 DHCP requests
> and therefore gets two different IP addresses, the first one sent by the
> ROM and the second one by the FreeBSD
> pxeboot<http://man.freebsd.org/pxeboot>loader.
> I found somewhere in some posts that the pxe.c file is doing a second
> bootprequest because it fails to get cached DHCP data from the ROM.
> Any help or more ideas would be appreciated.

It looked like you either do not have options rootpath set in dhcpd.conf , etc/exports is mis configured , the nfs server is disabled or if you have loader built with tftp support you do not have a tftp server setup / running . 

Can you sent the dhcpd.conf the exports file off the server ?

Mark saad | mark.saad at longcount.org 

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