Pointer to info on migrating from UFS2 -> ZFS?

Julian Elischer julian at freebsd.org
Tue Apr 22 04:03:16 UTC 2014

On 4/22/14, 3:15 AM, David Wolfskill wrote:
> At work, we have several machines presently running FreeBSD/amd64
> stable/9 @r257221 that are used for building software within a jail.
> They currently use UFS2 + soft updates (no journaling).
> I am interested in finding out how the behavior of one of these systems
> changes if I replace the UFS2 FS where the builds are actually done with
> a ZFS FS.
> I would prefer to avoid the need to touch the machine(s) for this
> exercise, so I'm interested in trying the exercise using the same
> hardware -- though possibly configured somewhat differently.
> What would be a good place to start my research?  [Caveat: While I've
> used UFS longer than ... some readers of this message have been alive,
> I've not administered ZFS before.]
> Thanks!
> Peace,
> david

my experience so far is that ZFS is great if you want to do 'storage 
things' but that for
straight out speed you might want to stick with ufs+SU.

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