Pointer to info on migrating from UFS2 -> ZFS?

Louis Kowolowski louisk at cryptomonkeys.org
Tue Apr 22 01:40:26 UTC 2014

I’d probably suggest a couple things:
* VirtualBox (or equiv) for setting up test environments that are easy to create and destroy. For all the beginning stuff I can think of, you should be able to do just fine with a virtual environment. VMs with a half dozen virtual disks that are 2G ea come in handy with playing with ZFS.
* The (FreeBSD) handbook section (on ZFS) walks through examples, but doesn’t cover the theory
* For reading material, I’d probably start here: http://open-zfs.org/wiki/Documentation

I haven’t looked at the ZFS admin guide since around 2007, there will be some divergence between Soracle and the rest of the ZFS community, but most of it should apply. Likewise, the ZFS best practices, and performance tuning.

On Apr 21, 2014, at 12:15 PM, David Wolfskill <david at catwhisker.org> wrote:

> At work, we have several machines presently running FreeBSD/amd64
> stable/9 @r257221 that are used for building software within a jail.
> They currently use UFS2 + soft updates (no journaling).
> I am interested in finding out how the behavior of one of these systems
> changes if I replace the UFS2 FS where the builds are actually done with
> a ZFS FS.
> I would prefer to avoid the need to touch the machine(s) for this
> exercise, so I'm interested in trying the exercise using the same
> hardware -- though possibly configured somewhat differently.
> What would be a good place to start my research?  [Caveat: While I've
> used UFS longer than ... some readers of this message have been alive,
> I've not administered ZFS before.]
> Thanks!
> Peace,
> david
> -- 
> David H. Wolfskill				david at catwhisker.org
> Taliban: Evil cowards with guns afraid of truth from a 14-year old girl.
> See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

Louis Kowolowski                                louisk at cryptomonkeys.org
Cryptomonkeys:                                   http://www.cryptomonkeys.com/

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