Stuck CLOSED sockets / sshd / zombies...

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed Apr 2 15:58:21 UTC 2014

On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 10:30:06 am Karl Pielorz wrote:
> Hi All,
> This issue started in -xen (subject: *Stuck sshd in urdlck), moved to 
> -stable (subject: sshd with zombie process on FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE), and 
> -net (subject: Server sockets staying in CLOSED for extended), but seems to 
> have died a death in all of them.
> It's affecting a number of people - predominately with sshd.
> Does anyone know how I can troubleshoot this further, what the cause / fix 
> is, or if it's already actually fixed?
> "
> # ps ax | grep 4344
> ps axl | grep 4344
>    0  4344   895   0  20  0 84868 6944 urdlck  Is - 0:00.01 sshd: unknown 
> [priv] (sshd)

Can you get 'procstat -k 4344' to see where this process is stuck?

>   22  4345  4344   0  20  0     0    0 -       Z  - 0:00.00 <defunct>
>    0  4346  4344   0  21  0 84868 6952 sbwait  I  - 0:00.00 sshd: unknown 
> [pam] (sshd)

'procstat -f' and 'procstat -k' for this process might also be useful.

John Baldwin

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