Stuck CLOSED sockets / sshd / zombies...

Karl Pielorz kpielorz_lst at
Wed Apr 2 15:16:41 UTC 2014

--On 02 April 2014 08:41 -0600 Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:

> That may imply that adding "UsePrivilegeSeparation no" could be a
> workaround for anyone having severe problems with this on a production
> server, but it should in no way become mythology that doing this somehow
> "fixes" a problem -- it would be purely a workaround, and we should keep
> pursuing the actual problem.

Thanks for the reply,

I'll see if I can setup another system (same source/kernel etc.) - but with 
that option set, and see if that does indeed workaround the issue.

I'll leave the original system 'as-is' to run any further troubleshooting 
stuff against it.


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