Leaving the Desktop Market

Person, Roderick personrp at UPMC.EDU
Tue Apr 1 16:35:58 UTC 2014

-----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-advocacy at freebsd.org [mailto:owner-freebsd-advocacy at freebsd.org] On Behalf Of Randi Harper
>You know you opened a can of worms with that one. Because all the nerds are going to step up and say "Well, I run FreeBSD on my  >desktop! It's totally viable!"
>Dear nerds, get some perspective. You aren't an end user, and you're masochistic. It's okay, we accept you here. But your individual >use case doesn't indicate a place in the market. Your basement isn't a market. It's a basement. Your small company isn't a market. It's a >small company. Many companies combined create a market.

Why aren't all the nerds and small businesses out there a market?  I'm no marketing expert or anything, but it would seem that there is some kind of market out there that isn't being catered to.  I may be a masochist, but I refuse to have to pay Apples prices for their hardware.  They just seem insane to me.  If they ever decided to sell OS X for non-Apple hardware I might use it.

And just for the record I've been using FreeBSD as an exclusive home desktop since 1999.  

At work now so however Outlook mangles this is my fault :)

Rod Person

Just because it can been done, does not mean it should be done.

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