Leaving the Desktop Market

Tom Evans tevans.uk at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 1 10:44:42 UTC 2014

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Lars Engels <lars.engels at 0x20.net> wrote:
> I'm a happy FreeBSD desktop user since 4.7. There are some edges, but I
> really like that I can can create a desktop the way _I_ want it and my
> mail client even allows me to break lines at 80 chars. Eat that, Apple
> Mail! ;-)

I'm also a happy camper with FreeBSD and X. I use FreeBSD as my
primary work environment, running on a laptop. I use FreeBSD as my
HTPC, recording TV shows, transcoding content and streaming it to my
iStuff. I use FreeBSD as my primary desktop at home.

You do need to make some smart choices about what hardware you buy
(when has it not been thus when you want to run an open OS?)

Better power management than just powerd is possible, you need to
disable any device you are using that you don't need, and tweak a few
things specific to your laptop - Alexander Motin got his laptop to
exceed his windows run time., with many tweaks. That is, if you care
about it - I don't, as I'm always docked or in a meeting room with

I feel there is no need for FreeBSD to compete with Linux. The main
benefit of FreeBSD to me is that (almost) everything is documented, it
is documented in a coherent and consistent manner, there is only one
"flavour" of FreeBSD; if it is a FreeBSD system I know where the OS
conf lives, where the userland conf lives.

To compete with Linux desktop OS would take a huge amount of polish
that is just not justified for users like me, I'm very happy with the
amount of polish that we currently have (thank you Xorg team for
NEW_XORG!). FreeBSD has enough in it that other projects (PC-BSD) can
use FreeBSD as a base and provide that polish.



PS 4k content editing is already supported by ffmpeg, which compiles
without problems with clang/llvm on 10+.

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