SMP Version of tar

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Mon Oct 8 10:22:09 UTC 2012

> Not necessarily.  If I understand correctly what Tim means, he's talking
> about an in-memory compression of several blocks by several separate
> threads, and then - after all the threads have compressed their

but gzip format is single stream. dictionary IMHO is not reset every X 

parallel gzip is possible but not with same data format.

By the way in my opinion grzip (in ports/archivers/grzip) is one of the 
most under-valued software. almost unknown. compresses faster than bzip2, 
with better results, it is very simple and making parallel version is 
trivial - there is just a procedure to compress single block.

Personally i use gzip for fast compression and grzip for strong 
compression, and don't use bzip2 at all

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