virtual machine on mac os x 10.6 to run FreeBSD ?

Rui Paulo rpaulo at
Fri Mar 26 18:41:24 UTC 2010

On 26 Mar 2010, at 13:41, Ross Nelson wrote:

> On Mar 26, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
>> Bob Bishop <rb at> writes:
>>> Jiandong Lu <lujiandong1001 at> writes:
>>>> hi,are there some virtual machines on mac os x 10.6 to run FreeBSD 8?
>>> FreeBSD 8.0 runs fine on 10.6 under Parallels 5, but that does cost money.
>> Isn't there a free-as-in-beer edition of VMWare?
> VMware Server for Windows and Linux (as well as VMware Player on Windows) are both free as in beer, but there isn't a free VMware for Mac. VMware Fusion is $80USD and comparable to Parallels.
> I had the same problem with VirtualBox not working on OS X. FreeBSD, QNX, Plan 9, and Windows all failed when I tried to partition and format the virtual disk. I'll have to try the Enable IO APIC option to see if that works for me.
> Ross

VirtualBox works fine last time I tried (last year) but you need to keep playing with the options to find a configuration that works. I was never able to use SCSI disks, for example.

Rui Paulo

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