buildworld sequence

Jeremie Le Hen jeremie at
Mon Jul 4 16:26:28 GMT 2005


> I looking for an explanation of the buildworld sequence :
> 	legacy
> 	bootstrap tools
> 	build tools
> 	cross tools
> 	...
> In fact, I read Makefile.inc1, so I have a basic idea of what each step
> does, but I don't really understand
>     * what is the legacy step,
>     * why strfile(1), gperf(1) and so on are required to be built before
>       mostly everything else (bootstrap tools)
>     * why utilities in the build-tools target are built before gcc.
> I didn't asked all the questions I have in mind, but I would be glad if
> someone could give me the general idea behind this or, even better,
> point me some documentation.  I checked developpers-handbook, there is
> nothing about it, unfortunately.

I overlook the description of each stage at the beginning of the file,
I'll whip myself for this.

> I was trying to understand this because I need to use a gcc(1) option
> in CFLAGS for these tools for my integration of the ProPolice patch
> in the build system.

I tried to set CFLAGS as an environnement variable in BMAKEENV from
Makefile.inc1, but the compilation line still doesn't't contain the flag
I want.  Any idea why this doesn't work ?

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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