Does tcpdump2xplot work?

Brian Reichert reichert at
Tue Dec 13 08:01:04 PST 2005

This may be pilot error, but for the life of me, I can't get
tcpdump2xplot to work as advertised.

Every lick of documentation I can find say to first create a netdump
libpcap file of TCP packets as such:

  tcpdump -tt -S -w tcpdump.out tcp

Then, near as I can tell, I should be able to use

  tcpdump2xplot -plot tcpdump.out


  tcpdump2xplot < tcpdump.out

But in either case, each packet is rejected with the message
'Malformed entry in dump file tcpdump.out'.

Can someone clue me in?  Yes, tcpdump2xplot is just perl code, but
this tools seems like it's been around for a while...

Brian Reichert				<reichert at>
55 Crystal Ave. #286			Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1725 USA			BSD admin/developer at large	

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