PPP vs mpd (was: FreeBSD lacks PPPoE (pppoa3 solution))

Fred Souza fred at storming.org
Sat Jul 12 16:18:01 PDT 2003

> The problem, as I see it, is that the only pppd that supports netgraph is mpd.

  I don't agree. Our ppp(8) also supports netgraph (I used to use it up
  to 2 days ago, then I switched - maybe temporarily - to mpd for
  testing). I use it to connect to my ADSL ISP, using PPPoE.

  Here's my /etc/ppp/ppp.conf, in case there's no obvious documentation
  on how to make ppp to work with PPPoE:

  # set device linktype:physical_interface:profile
  set device PPPoE:ed0:ISP
  disable lqr
  enable mssfixup

  set ifaddr
  set lqrperiod 6
  set mru max 1492
  set mtu max 1492
  set timeout 0
  set log phase tun
  set redial 5 0

  nat enable no

  add default HISADDR

  set authname mylogin
  set authkey mypassword

  I hope that helps.


"The future is a race between education and catastrophe."
		-- H.G. Wells
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