Firefox 2.0 doesn't open downloaded files

Philip Paeps philip at
Wed Oct 25 17:41:41 UTC 2006

I've compiled Firefox 2.0 from marcuscom earlier this week.  It appears to
work great, except for the minor (but to me fairly important) feature of
opening files I download.

For instance, I have in my .mailcap file that I want PDF files opened with
xpdf.  I pointy-click a PDF file and I get a nice box offering to save it
somewhere or open it with xpdf.  So far so good, Firefox 2.0 still groks my
.mailcap file.

However, it just puts the PDF file I pointy-clicked in /tmp and doesn't fire
up xpdf for me to look at it.  So I need to do that myself.  That gets boring
very quickly.

I think it is just refusing to spawn any external application.  I also use the
Greasemonkey extension and have pointed the 'editor' of user scripts to a
script that fires up xterm -e vi.  This worked fine in Firefox but now
no longer works.

When I tell firefox to open a file with a script that just does a 'touch' of a
file in /tmp, for example, I don't see a file created in /tmp.

Any idea what I might be missing or how I would go about debugging this?  I
spent the night looking at ktrace output and it's making me go blind. :-o

Note that I do not use gnome.  A list of packages on my system is here:


I am using -CURRENT from fairly recently:

 FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #4: Tue Oct 10
 14:01:36 CEST 2006     philip at

I'd appreciate any insights.


 - Philip

Philip Paeps                                    Please don't Cc me, I am
philip at                               subscribed to the list.

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