HAL tutorial and rc.d scripts

Sean McNeil sean at mcneil.com
Tue Oct 17 19:47:43 UTC 2006

I've just managed to get my system updated to GNOME 2.16 after some
difficulties.  I understand that HAL is supported with this version, but
I cannot find any man page for hald or any tutorial for how it is used.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Also, I use the new format where I have separate files for each script
(/etc/rc.conf.d) and it causes a small error message:

/etc/rc: WARNING: $dbus_enable is not set properly - see rc.conf(5).
/etc/rc: WARNING: $polkitd_enable is not set properly - see rc.conf(5).

This is because polkitd and hald use checkyesno where the variables

dbus_enable - in /etc/rc.conf.d/dbus
polkitd_enable - in /etc/rc.conf.d/polkitd

They don't cause a problem since the daemons are started, but the errors
are distracting.  IMHO, this is a bug in checkyesno, but is there a
workaround (besides putting them in /etc/rc.conf)?

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