devel/gmake upgrade breaks www/mozilla compile

Scott Allendorf scott-allendorf at
Fri Jun 30 02:50:25 UTC 2006

Ade Lovett wrote:

>> /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 -I../../config ../../config/ 
>>         resources/content/ > p3p200010.xsl
>> ../../config/ invalid argument to -D:  
>> HAS_TMPL_RETENTIONresources/content/
> Looks like a perl issue to me.  Note the lack of a space before the  
> backslash on the -DHAS_TMPL_RETENTION line.  ""  appears 
> to be mistakenly joining things together, resulting in the  failure.  
> Further investigation needs to be carried out there by  someone more 
> familiar than me with the mozilla build process.
> It should be noted, however, that both www/mozilla and www/firefox  
> built successfully here (x11/gnome2 was one of the test cases) on 6- 
> STABLE /i386 and /amd64.

On 6-STABLE/i386 I did:

1) 'make all' in www/mozilla (worked)
2) portupgrade gmake (worked)
3) 'make clean' in www/mozilla (worked)
4) 'make all' in www/mozilla (fails as above)

While the fault may ultimately lie in perl or even the mozilla port, 
clearly the change in gmake triggered it.  The behavior is identical on 
4-STABLE systems.

I just tried building www/mozilla on a bare system:

0) 6-STABLE as of 6/19/2006 at about 15:00 UT
1) Ports cvsuped at about 0:00 UT on 6/30/06.
2) /usr/local, /usr/X11R6, /usr/compat empty
3) cd /usr/ports/www/mozilla
4) make all (and leave options at defaults)

This fails exactly as above.

In the Makefile, I see:

p3p200010.xsl: resources/content/
         @$(RM) -f $@
         $(PP) -DNAMESPACE= \
         $< > $@

Is it possible that the new gmake handles the $< substitution 
differently, possibly eating a space that the old version left behind? 
I have verified that the compiler error can be fixed by adding a space 
before the last backslash (and all other similar occurrences in the 
Makefile), but I wonder if this is still a gmake issue.  I also wonder 
why you aren't seeing this build failure.

Thank you for all of your efforts,


Scott C. Allendorf                     Email:  scott-allendorf at
UNIX Systems Administrator             Office:       216A Van Allen Hall
Department of Physics and Astronomy    Voice:             (319) 335-0003
The University of Iowa                 FAX:               (319) 335-1753
Iowa City, Iowa  52242-1479            ICBM:  41 39 43.6 N  91 31 55.1 W
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