yelp problem

Carsten.Rossow at Carsten.Rossow at
Sun May 2 14:02:22 PDT 2004


I have FreeBSD 5.1 with Gnome installed from the packages, and yelp shows 
all manual pages. A freshly installed 5.2 also works if Gnome was 
installed from the packages, but after a portupgrade or if  installed 
Gnome from the ports, the man pages are not shown (not only not shown, but 
not even in the table of contents).

I looked all over, and the only things I found was a mail in the archive, 
advising to add the MANPATH to the environment. As this is not the case on 
the 5.1 system - where yelp works as deired - I doubt that this is the 
reason for my problem. How are they found when I'm issuing the man command 
if the MANPATH was not set somehow?

I wonder what I am missing. On the 5.1 box, I fond some yelp-related files 
in /usr/X11R6/libexec (yelp-db2html, yelp-info2html and yelp-man2html) 
that are not on the 5.2 box. If the port did not install them, how do I 
get them? What's in the packe the port does not have?

I'm a little helpless and would appreciate some hints.


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