Install GNOME 2.6 from packages

Michel Onoff michel.onoff at
Thu Apr 22 13:42:50 GMT 2004


the instructions on indicate 
that it should be possible to install GNOME 2.6 by simply issuing:

# pkg_add -r gnome2

This doesn't work, on FreeBSD 5.2.1 at least, for a couple of reasons:
* the "Latest" directories on the distribution sites still reference the 
older GNOME 2.4.0 release
* pkg_add -r doesn't seem to recognize the .tgz extension and involkes 
bzip2 instead of gzip. Note that without the -r flag it correctly 
handles .tgz packages.

Even the sysinstall, when configured to retrieve from an ftp medium, 
still gets the older GNOME 2.4.0 release.

Of course, I could install the packages by downloading them via ftp and 
invoking pkg_add on a local copy. However, in the interest of a more 
general user community, it would be better to:
* update the "Latest" directories on the ftp distribution sites
* correct the behavior of pkg_add -r to correctly handle remote .tgz 

As an alternative:
* correct the above web page with a workaround for a smooth installation

Thank you for your attention and have a nice time

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