bug fix for 'gettext'

Bob Frazier bobf at mrp3.com
Sun Apr 11 04:00:36 GMT 2004

I had to make a manual change to one of the files in 'gettext'.  I suggest
this be done as a patch.  I am currently trying to "manually build"
everything that failed last time around.  This one has been causing trouble,
and I believe there's a defined constant you can use to skip the problem.

however, I made a simple change to the following 'Makefile'


at line 270, inserted the following 3 lines of text (including the blank
line that follows)

#bug fix

This allowed 'gettext' to install properly.

The reason for failure was that when this make file was invoked with the
target 'install-data-local' during the 'make install' or 'make reinstall'
process, make did not know how to build the target.  By providing an empty
target, the error was eliminated.  I do not know if it has any other
impacts, but at least I can get THIS part of the install to work.

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