Upgrade mozilla-firebird to 0.7.1 (not built yet)

Mikhail Teterin mi+kde at aldan.algebra.com
Tue Nov 11 19:02:22 PST 2003

On Tuesday 11 November 2003 09:39 pm, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
= > On Tuesday 11 November 2003 08:48 pm, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
= > = Why do we need this? It's my understanding that 0.7.1 offers MacOS
= > = improvements/fixes only. There shouldn't be a need to upgrade on
= > = other platforms.

= > Quite possible. I just noticed the newer version, which seemed like
= > an easy enough upgrade. That said, the ``0.7.1'' looks better than
= > the current ``0.7_1'' and requires no big changes nor downloads. Up
= > to you, guys...

= Well, not really good reason to me.. :-) We are more look at the end
= user, why should they (include we) compile Mozilla Firebird again if
= there's no function change?

Noone is forced to recompile. But those compiling anew will get the
latest, even if it really is the same as the second latest :-) I don't


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