Error installing port

Bram Moolenaar Bram at
Sat Apr 19 12:39:15 PDT 2003

Joe -

> > Anyway, I noticed there actually is a dependency on pkg-config to check
> > that it exists, but it doesn't check its version. 
> A current failing of the ports system.  That's why we have portupgrade.

I know the ports system can't easily check the version of a package, but
it should be possible to add a manual check.  This might look like a
superfluous thing to do, but it's very difficult for a user like me to
figure out what the problem is and how to fix it.

> >  I installed a new
> > pkg-config manually and building the port continued.  I finally ran into
> > a problem that can't be fixed, I suppose: Xft complains that it requires
> > XFree 4.2, and I'm running 3.x.  Bummer!
> Yep.
> > GTK 2.2  could have mentioned that XFree 4.2 is required right away...
> > Or is there a way to build GTK 2.2 while using XFree 3.x?
> There used to be up until this latest version.

Is there any way to go back to the version that worked for me?  I
suppose this would mean taking the whole ports tree back to that point.
Don't know if that is possible and I don't know what version that would
have to be...

If I know the version that works, I could try installing the binary

> However, I put the error
> as low down as I could.  That is, on a clean system, if you type make
> install in x11-toolkits/gtk20, it will recursively build dependencies
> until it gets to Xft, where it will fail.  Doing it this way lets me get
> all the dependent ports as well.

For me it means > 10 Mbyte got downloaded and my system spends half an
hour compiling only to find out it doesn't work :-(.

> > Since upgrading XFree isn't that simple, this will probably have to
> > wait until I see a chance to upgrade my OS.
> Not sure if there are other issues at play here, put it may be as simple
> as building x11/XFree86-4.  Eric did some work to make sure that kind of
> thing went smoothly with 3.x already installed.  All apps should
> continue to work just fine.  And, if you actually have XFree86-3.3.6
> installed as a package, portupgrade can help you bring it up to 4.x.

I have tried this in the past, but ran into problems and couldn't go
back, resulting in having to reinstall the whole system.  Don't want to
take that risk now.

This time I managed to break the GTK 2.0 install that I have (that's
real 2.0, not 2.2.1).  I think it happened because pkg-config got
updated.  Not a huge problem, but not nice anyway.  Furtunately the rest
still appears to work.

How To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity:
6. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors".

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram at --   \\\
///          Creator of Vim - Vi IMproved --          \\\
\\\              Project leader for A-A-P --        ///
 \\\     Help AIDS victims, buy at Amazon -- ///

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