gstreamer-plugins port installs 3 extra files

Rolf Grossmann grossman at
Wed Apr 16 13:32:11 PDT 2003


here I go again ;)

This time, it's the gstreamer-plugins port that has the problem. I've also
noticed, that bento even checks the installed files, so I was able to verify
it's not just me (see
at the very bottom). It actually even complains about some files in etc
that I think are not created by the port. The files in question are:


The first two are incorrectly attributed to the AVIFILE option, while the
latter is simply missing. I'm not sure if there would be more files installed
if I actually had the avifile library (or anything else for that matter ;))
installed. I kind of expect it, but I'm not going to try that right now.

Best regards,

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