gvinum and raid5

Ulf Lilleengen lulf at stud.ntnu.no
Wed Oct 31 14:58:10 PDT 2007

On ons, okt 31, 2007 at 12:14:18 -0300, Marco Haddad wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using gvinum to build raid5 volumes since vinum retairement with
> some success. Most dificulties are related to not yet implemented commands,
> but the hope for a more complete version keeps me goning on.
> I found in recent researchs that a lot of people say gvinum should not be
> trusted, when it comes to raid5. I began to get worried. Am I alone using
> gvinum raid5? Did everyone abandon it? What about the development guys? Is
> there anyone still working on it? Will a complete gvinum ever be released?

I'm working on it, and there are definately people still using it. (I've
recieved a number of private mails as well as those seen on this list). IMO,
gvinum can be trusted when it comes to raid5. I've not experienced any
corruption-bugs or anything like that with it. 

I'm working on preparing my SoC work for inclusion in CURRENT these days (It
takes some time because it have to be reviewed, and it's a lot of code, so be
patient). The important commands (IMO :)) have been implemented
(attach/detach/start/stop/mirror/stripe/raid5/concat), but I'm curious to
hear what commands you do miss, so that I can look into it and consider
implementing them. I'm interested in helping making gvinum better, so any
suggestions are welcome. 

I hope to backport gvinum to both RELENG_7 and RELENG_6 when the time is
right, but as I said, you'd have to be patient.

Ulf Lilleengen

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