gvinum behaviour on disk failure

Ulf Lilleengen lulf at stud.ntnu.no
Mon Aug 28 17:50:10 UTC 2006

On man, aug 28, 2006 at 06:19:08 +0930, Alastair Watts wrote:
> Hi list,
> The other night we had a drive die under gvinum on FreeBSD 5.4. The 
> setup was ad0 and ad2 in a mirror. Log messages were:
> Am I missing something (perhaps data didn't get written to ad0, but then 
> shouldn't it have been in memory), or shouldn't gvinum have absorbed 
> this error and supplied the data from ad0?
> Or is this a known issue/bug? I searched but couldn't find a similar 
> reference on this list..
> Cheers,


Could you give me the output of "gvinum printconfig"?

Mvh Ulf Lilleengen

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