gvinum drivegroups and concat command

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Thu Aug 24 11:53:44 UTC 2006

On 08/14/06 02:31, Ulf Lilleengen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm doing work on gvinum these days, and I've implemented a possibility of
> drivegroups. It is possible to add drives to group at creation, but it will also
> be possible to add drives to groups afterwards. The advantage with drivegroups
> are not very big right now, but I've started to work on the first command that
> will take utilization of drivegroups.
> The concat command creates a concatenated volume, and from old vinum, it uses
> drives as parameter. With drivegroups one can now still specify drives, or
> groups or you don't even have to specify anything but the size, as gvinum then
> will use the default drivegroup and create a volume for you there.
> This is how i think the concat command should be like:
>         - if name not specified, use drivegroup-volnum (maybe somethingelse)
>         - size must be specified, or maybe a "fill drives/group" argument?
>         - if group specified, it tries to create subdisks on all drives in the
>           drivegroup.
>         - if drivegroup not specified, and neither drives; use
>           defaultdrivegroup.
>         - if drives specified, use them. overrides drivegroups.
> The general usage will be:
> concat [-f] [-n name] [-v] [-g group] [drives]
> Further advantages with drivegroups can be the mirror and stripe commands, as
> well as the possibility to move drivegroups between different machines and group
> your drives into logical collections. There will be more on this later.
> If anyone have any suggestions, I would like to hear it, as I'm starting on
> implementing these commands now and think it's very important that it's being
> done right. If I have overlooked anything, feel free to comment. Other
> improvements in gvinum is mentioned in the lastest status report.

Will you also be able to remove/move drives from drivegroups?

This sounds like a neat feature.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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