What append when arc full

Peter Jeremy peter at rulingia.com
Thu Jun 14 07:01:47 UTC 2018

On 2018-Jun-14 07:43:33 +0200, Albert Shih <Albert.Shih at obspm.fr> wrote:
>But my concern are what append if I shrink a little more the arc_max, let's
>say 64G knowing I got < 30To of data. Does I'm going to loose lot of
>performance ?

This really depends on your workload and the disk access pattern.  I
suggest you install sysutils/zfs-stats and look at the various ARC
hit/miss rates once your system has stabilised.  You might find that
tuning vfs.zfs.arc_meta_limit can also help - by default, it's 1/4
of ARC but in my experience, metadata misses are more expensive so
increasing that can help.

Peter Jeremy
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