Regarding vop_vector

Kirk McKusick mckusick at
Sun Feb 25 06:42:02 UTC 2018

> From: Aijaz Baig <aijazbaig1 at>
> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 07:24:12 +0530
> Subject: Regarding vop_vector
> To: freebsd-fs at
> Hello
> I am trying to understand how the VFS layer within FreeBSD and I was rather
> stumped while trying to find where vop_vector was declared. Upon searching
> the internet, realized that an awk script is used to "generate" this like so:
> /sys/tools/vnode_if.awk /sys/kern/vnode_if.src -q
> So I was wondering if anyone could provide me a (brief would be fine as
> well) walk through the memory lane as to why such an 'odd looking' way was
> adopted (perhaps it is brilliant but my thick skull is unable to fathom
> it's brilliance).
> Keen to hear from you experts out there please!
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Aijaz Baig

As the person that came up with this idea (in the 1980's) let me try to
explain my thinking. Suppose you want to add a new VFS operation. Before
I created the script, you had to create macros for it in at least four
different files. Now you just need to add a concise and readable description
of it in /sys/kern/vnode_if.src then run the script and all the boilerplate
gets generated for you.

Let me give you a short example. Consider the VFS operator to check to
see if a vnode is locked, typically used as

	if (VOP_ISLOCKED(vp)) {
		do something with locked vp;

The description of it in /sys/kern/vnode_if.src is three lines:

vop_islocked {
        IN struct vnode *vp;

Here is what is generated for it in the compile directory by the awk script.
In /sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC/vnode_if.c:

static int vop_islocked_vp_offsets[] = {
	VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct vop_islocked_args,a_vp),

SDT_PROBE_DEFINE2(vfs, vop, vop_islocked, entry, "struct vnode *", "struct vop_islocked_args *");

SDT_PROBE_DEFINE3(vfs, vop, vop_islocked, return, "struct vnode *", "struct vop_islocked_args *", "int");

VOP_ISLOCKED_AP(struct vop_islocked_args *a)

	return(VOP_ISLOCKED_APV(a->a_vp->v_op, a));

VOP_ISLOCKED_APV(struct vop_vector *vop, struct vop_islocked_args *a)
	int rc;

	VNASSERT(a->a_gen.a_desc == &vop_islocked_desc, a->a_vp,
	    ("Wrong a_desc in vop_islocked(%p, %p)", a->a_vp, a));
	while(vop != NULL && \
	    vop->vop_islocked == NULL && vop->vop_bypass == NULL)
		vop = vop->vop_default;
	VNASSERT(vop != NULL, a->a_vp, ("No vop_islocked(%p, %p)", a->a_vp, a));
	SDT_PROBE2(vfs, vop, vop_islocked, entry, a->a_vp, a);

	KTR_START1(KTR_VOP, "VOP", "VOP_ISLOCKED", (uintptr_t)a,
	    "vp:0x%jX", (uintptr_t)a->a_vp);
	if (vop->vop_islocked != NULL)
		rc = vop->vop_islocked(a);
		rc = vop->vop_bypass(&a->a_gen);
	SDT_PROBE3(vfs, vop, vop_islocked, return, a->a_vp, a, rc);

	if (rc == 0) {
	} else {
	KTR_STOP1(KTR_VOP, "VOP", "VOP_ISLOCKED", (uintptr_t)a,
	    "vp:0x%jX", (uintptr_t)a->a_vp);
	return (rc);

struct vnodeop_desc vop_islocked_desc = {
	(vop_bypass_t *)VOP_ISLOCKED_AP,

In /sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC/vnode_if.h:

struct vop_islocked_args {
        struct vop_generic_args a_gen;
        struct vnode *a_vp;

extern struct vnodeop_desc vop_islocked_desc;

int VOP_ISLOCKED_AP(struct vop_islocked_args *);
int VOP_ISLOCKED_APV(struct vop_vector *vop, struct vop_islocked_args *);

static __inline int VOP_ISLOCKED(
	struct vnode *vp)
	struct vop_islocked_args a;

	a.a_gen.a_desc = &vop_islocked_desc;
	a.a_vp = vp;
	return (VOP_ISLOCKED_APV(vp->v_op, &a));

In /sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC/vnode_if_newproto.h,
an entry in the vop_vector array:

struct vop_vector {
	struct vop_vector	*vop_default;
	vop_bypass_t	*vop_bypass;
	vop_islocked_t	*vop_islocked;

And finally in /sys/amd64/compile/GENERIC/vnode_if_typedef.h:

struct vop_islocked_args;
typedef int vop_islocked_t(struct vop_islocked_args *);

And absent this script, every time you wanted to make a change in the
boilerplate, you would have to go through and fix it for every existing
VFS operator (and trust me the boilerplate has changed a *lot* since I
first did it in the 1980's :-)

	Kirk McKusick

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