EBS snapshot backups from a FreeBSD zfs file system: zpool freeze?

Berend de Boer berend at pobox.com
Wed Jul 3 09:10:11 UTC 2013

>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Day <toasty at dragondata.com> writes:

    Kevin> I know this is a sort of obscure use case, but Linux and
    Kevin> Windows both have this functionality that VMWare will use
    Kevin> if present (and the guest tools know about it).

May I correct you? This is not obscure. This is an extremely common
use-case on Linux, either using LVM/XFS file systems, and definitely
best practice on Amazon AWS. If you're not doing it this way, you're
doing it wrong.

    Kevin> Linux goes a step further and ensures that it's not in the
    Kevin> middle of writing anything to swap during the quiesce
    Kevin> period, too. I don't think this would be terribly difficult
    Kevin> to implement, a hook somewhere along the write chain that
    Kevin> blocks (or queues up) anything trying to write until the
    Kevin> unfreeze comes along, but I'm guessing there are all sorts
    Kevin> of deadlock opportunities here.

    Kevin> Either way, I'm not asking that anyone spend time to write
    Kevin> this, I'm just trying to reword what the original requestor
    Kevin> was talking about.

Heh, I'm asking that actually :-)

Would be great to have this in FreeBSD. Once you have used EBS
snapshots, you really don't want to go back.

All the best,

Berend de Boer

          Awesome Drupal hosting: https://www.xplainhosting.com/

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