Install OS on HAST

supportsobaka at supportsobaka at
Thu Aug 29 07:10:42 UTC 2013


The idea of HAST is great, but I'm not exactly understood how it could serve as the real cluster of two machines. Cluster of storage is different story - it require to have at least two disks on each machine. Also OS on each machine must be synchronized to be able to work similar in the event of failure of master node. That's not so elegant solution and not so demanded as cluster of two servers. Is there any possibility to install OS on the hast device right from the beginning of installation to the machine with one HDD: e.g. I have boot-CD or I have booted from network and start installation with bsdinstall, then I go to shell for disk configuration. At that moment can I create /dev/hast and start install OS on this? What should be taken into consideration then? 

Another problem. HAST is not suitable for databases, e.g. MySQL. If I have standalone all-in-one server (mail+mysql on the same machine) and I want to start this on HAST (see above), how can I exclude some partitions/folders from sync? I guess there is no such an option now. Do you plan to add or it's impossible due to HAST nature?


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