NFS problem: file doesn't appear in file listing, but can be accessed directly

Attila Nagy bra at
Tue Aug 10 12:48:13 UTC 2010

  On 08/08/2010 02:06 AM, Rick Macklem wrote:
>> On 07.08.2010, at 02:35, Rick Macklem wrote:
>> I agree, this must be some kind of server issue then. Still, I wonder
>> why the solaris client didn't show the problem...
> 2 things:
> 1 - the solaris client uses ReaddirPlus and not Readdir RPCs by
>      default (I can't remember if that default can be overridden?).
I don't know whether this counts or not, but I've tried with an old 
Solaris (x86) 8 (uname says it's Generic_108529-06).

> ps: I don't recall the previous emails mentioning that the "ls"
>      was ok for a solaris client.
It was in 4C582968.9000303 at
"I've mounted the share from an old Solaris box, which sees the file."

This means, when I issue an ls | grep problematic_fname, I can see the 
BTW, this turned out to be incorrect, because I've tested with the same 
(one of the missing) filename.
Doing a find . in the directory on both FreeBSD and Solaris client shows 
some differences.
So what I have now is: both the normal and the experimental NFSD show 
the problem on both FreeBSD and Solaris clients (only the missing file 
names are different).

On Solaris there are 78 files missing, on FreeBSD there are 193, I 
haven't checked that they are persistent across reboots or not.

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