ZFS patches.

swell.k at gmail.com swell.k at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 00:02:55 UTC 2008

(CC'ing Attilio, who made the commits)

Pawel Jakub Dawidek <pjd at FreeBSD.org> writes:

> Hi.
> 	http://people.freebsd.org/~pjd/patches/zfs_20080727.patch.bz2
> The patch above contains the most recent ZFS version that could be found
> in OpenSolaris as of today. Apart for large amount of new functionality,
> I belive there are many stability (and also performance) improvements
> compared to the version from the base system.

After r182371 and r182383 there are another three rejections. Namely
I'm attaching them in case someone has a quick fix or idea how
to solve them, especially regarding `+' lines.

In the meantime I'm reverting them locally hoping it will not do any
harm to me. If this fails then I will stay with r182370 since I already
upgraded my pools to 11th version and can't go back easily.

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*** 331,374 ****
  	char		*v_path;
  } vnode_t;
  typedef struct vattr {
  	uint_t		va_mask;	/* bit-mask of attributes */
  	u_offset_t	va_size;	/* file size in bytes */
  } vattr_t;
- #define	AT_TYPE		0x0001
- #define	AT_MODE		0x0002
- #define	AT_UID		0x0004
- #define	AT_GID		0x0008
- #define	AT_FSID		0x0010
- #define	AT_NODEID	0x0020
- #define	AT_NLINK	0x0040
- #define	AT_SIZE		0x0080
- #define	AT_ATIME	0x0100
- #define	AT_MTIME	0x0200
- #define	AT_CTIME	0x0400
- #define	AT_RDEV		0x0800
- #define	AT_BLKSIZE	0x1000
- #define	AT_NBLOCKS	0x2000
- #define	AT_SEQ		0x8000
  #define	CRCREAT		0
- #define	VOP_CLOSE(vp, f, c, o, cr)	0
- #define	VOP_PUTPAGE(vp, of, sz, fl, cr)	0
- #define	VOP_GETATTR(vp, vap, fl, cr)	((vap)->va_size = (vp)->v_size, 0)
- #define	VOP_FSYNC(vp, f, cr)	fsync((vp)->v_fd)
- #define	VN_RELE(vp)	vn_close(vp)
  extern int vn_open(char *path, int x1, int oflags, int mode, vnode_t **vpp,
      int x2, int x3);
  extern int vn_openat(char *path, int x1, int oflags, int mode, vnode_t **vpp,
-     int x2, int x3, vnode_t *vp);
  extern int vn_rdwr(int uio, vnode_t *vp, void *addr, ssize_t len,
      offset_t offset, int x1, int x2, rlim64_t x3, void *x4, ssize_t *residp);
- extern void vn_close(vnode_t *vp);
  #define	vn_remove(path, x1, x2)		remove(path)
  #define	vn_rename(from, to, seg)	rename((from), (to))
--- 347,439 ----
  	char		*v_path;
  } vnode_t;
+ typedef struct xoptattr {
+ 	timestruc_t	xoa_createtime;	/* Create time of file */
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_archive;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_system;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_readonly;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_hidden;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_nounlink;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_immutable;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_appendonly;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_nodump;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_settable;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_opaque;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_av_quarantined;
+ 	uint8_t		xoa_av_modified;
+ } xoptattr_t;
  typedef struct vattr {
  	uint_t		va_mask;	/* bit-mask of attributes */
  	u_offset_t	va_size;	/* file size in bytes */
  } vattr_t;
+ typedef struct xvattr {
+ 	vattr_t		xva_vattr;	/* Embedded vattr structure */
+ 	uint32_t	xva_magic;	/* Magic Number */
+ 	uint32_t	xva_mapsize;	/* Size of attr bitmap (32-bit words) */
+ 	uint32_t	*xva_rtnattrmapp;	/* Ptr to xva_rtnattrmap[] */
+ 	uint32_t	xva_reqattrmap[XVA_MAPSIZE];	/* Requested attrs */
+ 	uint32_t	xva_rtnattrmap[XVA_MAPSIZE];	/* Returned attrs */
+ 	xoptattr_t	xva_xoptattrs;	/* Optional attributes */
+ } xvattr_t;
+ typedef struct vsecattr {
+ 	uint_t		vsa_mask;	/* See below */
+ 	int		vsa_aclcnt;	/* ACL entry count */
+ 	void		*vsa_aclentp;	/* pointer to ACL entries */
+ 	int		vsa_dfaclcnt;	/* default ACL entry count */
+ 	void		*vsa_dfaclentp;	/* pointer to default ACL entries */
+ 	size_t		vsa_aclentsz;	/* ACE size in bytes of vsa_aclentp */
+ } vsecattr_t;
+ #define	AT_TYPE		0x00001
+ #define	AT_MODE		0x00002
+ #define	AT_UID		0x00004
+ #define	AT_GID		0x00008
+ #define	AT_FSID		0x00010
+ #define	AT_NODEID	0x00020
+ #define	AT_NLINK	0x00040
+ #define	AT_SIZE		0x00080
+ #define	AT_ATIME	0x00100
+ #define	AT_MTIME	0x00200
+ #define	AT_CTIME	0x00400
+ #define	AT_RDEV		0x00800
+ #define	AT_BLKSIZE	0x01000
+ #define	AT_NBLOCKS	0x02000
+ #define	AT_SEQ		0x08000
+ #define	AT_XVATTR	0x10000
  #define	CRCREAT		0
+ #define	VOP_CLOSE(vp, f, c, o, cr, ct)	0
+ #define	VOP_PUTPAGE(vp, of, sz, fl, cr, ct)	0
+ #define	VOP_GETATTR(vp, vap, cr, td)  ((vap)->va_size = (vp)->v_size, 0)
+ #define	VOP_FSYNC(vp, f, cr, ct)	fsync((vp)->v_fd)
+ #define	VN_RELE(vp)	vn_close(vp, 0, NULL, NULL)
+ #define	vn_lock(vp, type)
+ #define	VOP_UNLOCK(vp, type)
+ #endif
+ #define	VFS_LOCK_GIANT(mp)	0
+ #endif
+ #define	VFS_UNLOCK_GIANT(vfslocked)
  extern int vn_open(char *path, int x1, int oflags, int mode, vnode_t **vpp,
      int x2, int x3);
  extern int vn_openat(char *path, int x1, int oflags, int mode, vnode_t **vpp,
+     int x2, int x3, vnode_t *vp, int fd);
  extern int vn_rdwr(int uio, vnode_t *vp, void *addr, ssize_t len,
      offset_t offset, int x1, int x2, rlim64_t x3, void *x4, ssize_t *residp);
+ extern void vn_close(vnode_t *vp, int openflag, cred_t *cr, kthread_t *td);
  #define	vn_remove(path, x1, x2)		remove(path)
  #define	vn_rename(from, to, seg)	rename((from), (to))
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*** 81,91 ****
  	 * Determine the physical size of the file.
  	vattr.va_mask = AT_SIZE;
- 	error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, 0, kcred);
  	if (error) {
  		vd->vdev_stat.vs_aux = VDEV_AUX_OPEN_FAILED;
  		return (error);
--- 81,110 ----
+ 	return (0);
+ }
+ static int
+ vdev_file_open(vdev_t *vd, uint64_t *psize, uint64_t *ashift)
+ {
+ 	vdev_file_t *vf;
+ 	vattr_t vattr;
+ 	vnode_t *vp;
+ 	int error;
+ 	if ((error = vdev_file_open_common(vd)) != 0)
+ 		return (error);
+ 	vf = vd->vdev_tsd;
+ 	vp = vf->vf_vnode;
  	 * Determine the physical size of the file.
  	vattr.va_mask = AT_SIZE;
+ 	vn_lock(vp, LK_SHARED | LK_RETRY);
+ 	error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, kcred, curthread);
+ 	VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0);
  	if (error) {
  		vd->vdev_stat.vs_aux = VDEV_AUX_OPEN_FAILED;
  		return (error);
-------------- next part --------------
*** 352,386 ****
  		return (error);
- 	zfs_init_vattr(&va, lr->lr_mask, lr->lr_mode,
  	    lr->lr_uid, lr->lr_gid, 0, lr->lr_foid);
- 	va.va_size = lr->lr_size;
- 	ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&va.va_atime, lr->lr_atime);
- 	ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&va.va_mtime, lr->lr_mtime);
  	vp = ZTOV(zp);
  	vn_lock(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
- 	error = VOP_SETATTR(vp, &va, kcred, curthread);
  	VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0);
  	return (error);
  static int
- zfs_replay_acl(zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs, lr_acl_t *lr, boolean_t byteswap)
  	ace_t *ace = (ace_t *)(lr + 1);	/* ace array follows lr_acl_t */
  #ifdef TODO
  	vsecattr_t vsa;
- #endif
  	znode_t *zp;
  	int error;
  	if (byteswap) {
  		byteswap_uint64_array(lr, sizeof (*lr));
- 		zfs_ace_byteswap(ace, lr->lr_aclcnt);
  	if ((error = zfs_zget(zfsvfs, lr->lr_foid, &zp)) != 0) {
--- 766,877 ----
  		return (error);
+ 	zfs_init_vattr(vap, lr->lr_mask, lr->lr_mode,
  	    lr->lr_uid, lr->lr_gid, 0, lr->lr_foid);
+ 	vap->va_size = lr->lr_size;
+ 	ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&vap->va_atime, lr->lr_atime);
+ 	ZFS_TIME_DECODE(&vap->va_mtime, lr->lr_mtime);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Fill in xvattr_t portions if necessary.
+ 	 */
+ 	start = (lr_setattr_t *)(lr + 1);
+ 	if (vap->va_mask & AT_XVATTR) {
+ 		zfs_replay_xvattr((lr_attr_t *)start, &xva);
+ 		start = (caddr_t)start +
+ 		    ZIL_XVAT_SIZE(((lr_attr_t *)start)->lr_attr_masksize);
+ 	} else
+ 		xva.xva_vattr.va_mask &= ~AT_XVATTR;
+ 	zfsvfs->z_fuid_replay = zfs_replay_fuid_domain(start, &start,
+ 	    lr->lr_uid, lr->lr_gid);
  	vp = ZTOV(zp);
  	vn_lock(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
+ 	error = VOP_SETATTR(vp, vap, kcred, curthread);
  	VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0);
+ 	zfs_fuid_info_free(zfsvfs->z_fuid_replay);
+ 	zfsvfs->z_fuid_replay = NULL;
  	return (error);
  static int
+ zfs_replay_acl_v0(zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs, lr_acl_v0_t *lr, boolean_t byteswap)
  	ace_t *ace = (ace_t *)(lr + 1);	/* ace array follows lr_acl_t */
+ 	vsecattr_t vsa;
+ 	znode_t *zp;
+ 	int error;
+ 	if (byteswap) {
+ 		byteswap_uint64_array(lr, sizeof (*lr));
+ 		zfs_oldace_byteswap(ace, lr->lr_aclcnt);
+ 	}
+ 	if ((error = zfs_zget(zfsvfs, lr->lr_foid, &zp)) != 0) {
+ 		/*
+ 		 * As we can log acls out of order, it's possible the
+ 		 * file has been removed. In this case just drop the acl
+ 		 * and return success.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (error == ENOENT)
+ 			error = 0;
+ 		return (error);
+ 	}
+ 	bzero(&vsa, sizeof (vsa));
+ 	vsa.vsa_mask = VSA_ACE | VSA_ACECNT;
+ 	vsa.vsa_aclcnt = lr->lr_aclcnt;
+ 	vsa.vsa_aclentsz = sizeof (ace_t) * vsa.vsa_aclcnt;
+ 	vsa.vsa_aclflags = 0;
+ 	vsa.vsa_aclentp = ace;
  #ifdef TODO
+ 	error = VOP_SETSECATTR(ZTOV(zp), &vsa, 0, kcred, NULL);
+ #else
+ 	panic("%s:%u: unsupported condition", __func__, __LINE__);
+ #endif
+ 	VN_RELE(ZTOV(zp));
+ 	return (error);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Replaying ACLs is complicated by FUID support.
+  * The log record may contain some optional data
+  * to be used for replaying FUID's.  These pieces
+  * are the actual FUIDs that were created initially.
+  * The FUID table index may no longer be valid and
+  * during zfs_create() a new index may be assigned.
+  * Because of this the log will contain the original
+  * doman+rid in order to create a new FUID.
+  *
+  * The individual ACEs may contain an ephemeral uid/gid which is no
+  * longer valid and will need to be replaced with an actual FUID.
+  *
+  */
+ static int
+ zfs_replay_acl(zfsvfs_t *zfsvfs, lr_acl_t *lr, boolean_t byteswap)
+ {
+ 	ace_t *ace = (ace_t *)(lr + 1);
  	vsecattr_t vsa;
  	znode_t *zp;
  	int error;
  	if (byteswap) {
  		byteswap_uint64_array(lr, sizeof (*lr));
+ 		zfs_ace_byteswap(ace, lr->lr_acl_bytes, B_FALSE);
+ 		if (lr->lr_fuidcnt) {
+ 			byteswap_uint64_array((caddr_t)ace +
+ 			    ZIL_ACE_LENGTH(lr->lr_acl_bytes),
+ 			    lr->lr_fuidcnt * sizeof (uint64_t));
+ 		}
  	if ((error = zfs_zget(zfsvfs, lr->lr_foid, &zp)) != 0) {

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