minfree 1 -> 0 -> 1 == death ... PLEASE HELP

Juri Mianovich juri_mian at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 07:25:54 PDT 2007

> > All I want to know is, how do I get back the old
> > minfree of 1 I had 24 hours ago instead of the
> > and improved" minfree of 1 that I have now ?
> Can you try doing:
> tunefs -o time /dev/aacd0s1e
> and then mounting it?

Yes, that was my first instinct, in fact.

I can do that, but I am given a warning that
filesystems with less than 8% minfree should be
optimized for space.

After using the filesystem for 10-20 minutes the
kernel reverts optimization back to space, even if I
explicitly optimize the filesystem for time.

So it appears that you cannot force the filesystem to
remain optimized for time.

Do you know of a way to keep a filesystem optimized
for time ?  I would like to try running that way.  I
am currently running with this filesystem mounted, but
mounted read-only, and the system is stable that way.

Two things I want to try are:

- forcing a perm. time optimization, if someone knows
how to do that

- freeing up enough space to get back to 5 or 8%
minfree and seeing if it behaves better with that.

But what I would like to know is, is it _known_ that
it is more complicated (or perhaps impossible ?) to
climb back out of a minfree hole ?  Should it be
considered a one way move ?  Or should I expect to
increase and decrease minfree, trading space for
performance in whichever direction I am currently
moving ?

My results seem to suggest it is a one way move, and
that you can't expect to regain performance by going
back in a positive direction.

Comments ?

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