FreeBSD Port: textproc/elasticsearch5-x-pack

Sonny Smith sonny at
Wed Mar 14 17:31:53 UTC 2018

Thanks for the insight!

I'm documenting this for a lab I'm building so it's pretty easy to move to 6.x now that it's available. That way, you don't have to split your attention between versions.

If I'm hearing your recommendation: I should build on 6.x as that is likely the first build that will have properly working foo-plugins.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Felder [mailto:feld at] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 11:48 AM
To: Sonny Smith <sonny at>; elastic at
Subject: Re: FreeBSD Port: textproc/elasticsearch5-x-pack

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018, at 13:40, Sonny Smith wrote:
> Hello Elastic!
> Is there a port for Logstash x-pack? If not, has anyone gotten 
> "logstash-plugin" to execute on FreeBSD?
> Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

I'm working through these issues right now, but currently focusing on version 6.x. The "x-pack" packages for 5.x will most certainly be removed because they're not doing the right things. You are not supposed to be downloading/extracting the zip file for x-pack, which is what we're doing with the packages. There is more to it as handled by the "foo-plugin" tools.

If all goes well the plugin scripts could be fixed today, but I hope by the end of the week for sure.

  Mark Felder
  ports-secteam & portmgr member
  feld at

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